Message in a bottle

Presentation Tools

Powerpoint is a great tool, but by the time I was a senior in high school I was about sick of using it, simply because I was asked to use powerpoint in all of my presentations, if only I knew what I know now :)

Prezi is one of my all time favorites, and my students' too! It is free, web-based, and personality I think it is easier to use than ppt. You can use anytime you would normally use powerpoint. 

Glogster is a great site where students can create online posters, embed links to other glogs, websites, even videos! My students used glogster in place of the traditional paper posters to share what they learned in a unit to review before an assessment. 

VuVox is a unique site that allows you to create media presentations, including animated timelines, photo stories, and more!                                          --->

Museum Box is a resource where students can create their own virtual museum box to explain, argue, or describe an event, person, or period in history.

Animoto is a great tool to create free 30 second video slideshows with music. Free accounts include the 30 second videos, if you want a longer video you need a subscription, they have a few different options, with the least expensive $5/month. You can also sign up for a free Educator's account. I used animoto for my Award's Day presentations, End of the Year video, in place of a thank you card for a classroom visitor, and even for my little brother's high school graduation.

Make your own slideshow at Animoto.

VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that connects images, documents, and videos. Users can communicate using VoiceThread by recording their voice to share comments.

Movie Posters from BIG HUGE LABS allows you to create an original movie poster to advertise short stories, novels, or books. Students can upload an image and edit the text they want to appear on their poster!

Bookr is a quick and easy way to make online photobooks. 

Don't forget about iMovie and Window's Movie Maker! 

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